We deliver free of charge in Germany. Internationally, we only charge the difference to the delivery costs in DE.

Delivery within Germany is free of charge . The shipping cost calculator within the ordering process takes into account free shipping.

Shipping costs outside Germany:

Zone 1: Shipping to Belgium, Denmark, France, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic:
Flat rate €6.50 including VAT per order.

Zone 2: Shipping to Italy, San Marino, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary, Vatican City:
Flat rate €9.50 including VAT per order.

Zone 3: Shipping to Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania:
Flat rate €12.50 including VAT per order.

Zone 4: Shipping to Switzerland, Great Britain and Norway:
Flat rate €15.00 net up to a maximum of 20kg.

Zone 5: Shipping to the rest of the world:
Flat rate €90.00 net up to a maximum of 20kg.

When shipping to non-EU countries, additional taxes or costs (e.g. customs duties) are incurred as part of the order, which are not paid by us or invoiced by us, but are sent directly to the responsible customs office by you. or tax authorities are to be paid. Please contact these authorities for details.